Yellow Spanish Onions
Yellow Spanish Onions
*2024 NOTE for all bare root orders:
NOT AVAILABLE TO SHIP, meaning I'm not getting these shipped and then shipping again to you. These are bulk prices that I am able to secure and don't have time to pack and ship these.
PICKUP for 2024 (at this time, we may add more locations) WILL BE IN SPANISH FORK/Payson UTAH, TAYLORSVILLE UTAH, ROY UTAH, INKOM IDAHO and idaho falls idaho.. THE ORDER WILL BE SHIPPED (to me) THE FIRST WEEK IN APRIL, 2024.
Multiple emails will be sent as the time gets closer and also when they arrive and we know exact dates better. PLEASE PICK UP WITHIN 10 DAYS OF ARRIVAL OR YOU WILL FORFEIT YOUR ORDER.
Also note that when ordering any bare root berry stock, please do NOT add any other store items to your order, such as beeswax candles etc. Your plant order needs to be only plants or I will cancel your order.
It's also helpful when ordering to put in the notes, where you would like to pick up your order. It can be changed but that gives us an idea.
When you pick up your order, they will be wrapped in a plastic bag and should be kept moist and planted within 24 hours or at least healed in.
All varieties are chosen to do well in Utah, Idaho etc. Down to Zone four.
Yellow Spanish onion plants produce a jumbo size bulb (3 lb.) with white flesh. Matures early to fill the slot in your garden after Walla Walla and before the storage varieties. Gardeners love Yellow Spanish onion plants because they grow quickly without much effort. Grows well in intermediate day areas if planted early. This is the favorite onion grown by commercial growers in northern states because it makes uniformly large, sweet bulbs. Come in a bundle. Approximately 45 to a bundle.