These sustainably grown and perfect habitat reads are good for not only your Blue Orchard Mason Bees and garden leafcutter bees but for other native bees as well. The larger tubes will attract blue orchard Mason bees while the garden leafcutter bees prefer smaller diameters. They come in bundles of 50+. I have gone out with hubby for years to collect, cut and clean these. Our time doesn't allow us again right now with all the farm and littles but we got these locally from a trusted sustainable source. The reason you want to buy them from me and not from some crafts store or another place online is that I have the correct diameter and length tubes. Using reads allows you to check the hives and exterminate unwanted pests. These work wonderfully with the Blue Orchard Mason bees or Garden Leafcutter bees and can be combined with the wood habitat blocks. I do this for the bees. We need more of THESE type of bees, not commercial honeybees. Ready to place in your bee houses or hotels . You will need about 80 reeds to fill one of our DIY houses.